Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Eaton Senior Communities Review


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BEFORE you move into any housing facility check the business entity's business license with the Secretary of State. It might help you better understand the relationship dynamics amongst the staff there.


Business License

This Review pertains to Eaton Senior Communities The Residences and Eaton Senior Communities The Summit, because they're owned and operated by the same company.

Eaton Senior Communities The Summit is located at 323 S Eaton St, Lakewood, CO 80226

Eaton Senior Communities The Residences is located at 333 S Eaton St, Lakewood, CO 80226

Hindsight is 20/20, but hopefully this will bring some insight to others that might be considering moving to Eaton Senior Communities.

The Summit - 323 S. Eaton St., Lakewood, CO 80226 or The Residences - 333 S. Eaton St., Lakewood, CO 80226.

Mom got on their waiting list in 2017. She moved in 2018.

She moved there, because she'd been told they had assisted living. She wanted that should she ever need it. My grandpa had Alzheimer's.

The landlord and leasing knew exactly why mom was moving there.

Mom signed her Lease Agreement in early May 2018.


A few months AFTER she moved in she Googled Eaton Senior Communities. She found an article 9News did about Eaton.

It was dated March 1, 2018, "Senior community in Lakewood to end assisted living services. Eaton Senior Communities in Lakewood will no longer provide assisted living units and services."

Eaton staff knew 2 months BEFORE mom moved in that there wouldn't be anymore Assisted Living. They could've told her BEFORE she moved in but they didn't.

Had I known what Eaton was REALLY like before she moved in we could've found other options.

With the LONG waiting lists for low-income housing it took her another 4 more YEARS to find a place to move to.

Prior to her move there they went and inspected the place she was living at. She'd lived in other low income housing and they never did that prior to her moving there.

Mom didn't find out the real reason why they'd gotten rid of the Assisted Living until after she moved out of there.

She suspects it had to do with their no longer having Medicaid reimbursement for those in Assisted Living and she suspects that has to do with the deaths that happened there.

Here are some reviews (If you read Google Reviews you'll find the MAJORITY of them are written by Eaton Staff which is against Google Reviews)


July 22, 2014
The nightmarish Eaton Terrace
This place is a nightmare for people with special dietary needs. Just don't complain about the food and you will be safe--otherwise you might not make it out alive


August 4, 2014
Unhappy with Eaton Senior Communities
If you are a Fundamentalist Christian of a Pre-Civil Rights Era mind-set and you are not on a low carbohydrate, high protein diet and don't mind what you eat---you will do find here. The food is awful. Assuming you are on the Independent living side of Eaton. However, if you are wanting Assisted Living and are on a low salt, low carbohydrate, high protein diet this place is definitely, not a match for you. Eaton Senior Communities has a really bad record relative to treating its dissenters quite harshly and encouraging them to leave. In 2010 Eaton Senior Communities was cited for neglect and abuse of its tenants--three of whom died from neglect and abuse. Another was left unattended on the floor for almost a day when he returned from the hospital and was not checked in. Overall, I would not recommend this place in terms of its Assisted Living side.


February 22, 2016
Horrible upper management
Horrible management at this facility


April 13, 2016
Don't move there !!!!! BUDBUGS
This place is full of bedbugs and rude workers not to mention the workers are [removed]

Mom was ALWAYS very careful with wearing a mask, because of Covid.



Appears Eaton was written about in Westword on December 2, 2021, "Colorado Places With the Most Repeat COVID Outbreaks"

There were MANY tenants that ignored House Rules and County requirements regarding wearing a mask or socially distancing.

It got to the point mom would only go out of apartment if it was late in the day to check her mail or during the day for medical appointments.

She got breakthrough Covid in November and was laid up in bed for 10 days with a fever of 101.

She'd called the building's receptionist 3 TIMES and asked her to tell the pharmacy's delivery driver how to get to her apartment to bring her medications.

Instead mom had to wait until she was over Covid, not contagious to go get her meds that the receptionist had instead had the driver place them on a group shelf where other deliveries had been dropped off.

She was without medication to help with Covid and her DAILY blood pressure, asthma and allergy medication for WEEKS!



Mom was told later that staff can't deliver packages. And OFTEN packages were placed outside their mailboxes or have gone missing.

Mom wasn't asking for staff to deliver her medication. All they had to do was tell the delivery driver how to get to her door once inside the building. They refused.

Some would call it medical neglect, but then it sounds like that kind of thing has happened at Eaton Senior Community before.

And the staff was known to deliver packages. Mom even took pictures of meal boxes they'd delivered to tenants.

Another time the receptionist SOMEHOW go a hold of mom's mail. Mom found out about it when she went down to pick up another package she got notice of.

Seems the piece of mail that she was holding on to was a letter from a Housing Office. Mom could've moved YEARS before she did, but by the time the receptionist gave mom the letter it was past the Housing Application Submission Deadline.

The receptionist even told mom, “You didn't want this” when mom picked it up. She didn't have the authority to pick and choose what mom did or didn't want let alone withhold it from her. It was a package from Denver Housing Authority about mom's application to move. She had to get it back in 21 days. The receptionist gave it to mom on the 23rd day.

Often packages were just left by the mailboxes. Anyone could take them.

Grocery delivery services would do the same with groceries. They wouldn't buzz the tenants apartment. They'd just leave then OUTSIDE or inside the front door and tenants would steal them.

0-4-1Food 0

0-4-1Food 2



0-4-3Chicken 2

Mom has over 250 food, medication and environmental allergies. She had to file TWICE to get off Eaton's Mandatory Meal Program (24 meals for the month at over $250). Each time she filed it would take 6 months to get a decision, a blatant "NO!"

She had to send in ALL her medical files TWICE and they STILL didn't approve her.

So, their "Chef" fixed mom "something special." He knew all her allergies by then. She had to use her EpiPen 4 times after eating his "special" dish.

It took threat of a lawsuit for Eaton to FINALLY remove mom from their "Mandatory Meal Program" after her Anaphylaxis reaction

"Anaphylaxis is a severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. It can occur within seconds or minutes of exposure to something you're allergic to, such as peanuts or bee stings.",as%20peanuts%20or%20bee%20stings.

Do not disturb

After she got off the "Mandatory Meal Program" tenants were calling mom on the house phone from 6am-11pm or come pounding on her door asking her how to get off the program. It took her unplugging her house phone and putting up a Do Not Disturb sign on her door to get them to stop bothering her.


Mom took pics of some of the food they served. No, the bacon didn't have mayonnaise on it. That was GREASE!


And they'd put ice cream in their cooler that wasn't packaged properly.

Mom had to pay $20 per month for security access to the building. MOST other senior communities consider door security part of the rent, not extra.



The security there isn't the best either. One time someone someone broke into the building and destroyed some of the property. Another time a homeless man was sleeping in the lobby, backpack and all. And another time the police came to arrest a homeless man behind the building. At the time the area they found him is was gated off, because Eaton was doing remodeling to the building next door. Who knows how he got in there.

There were times mom would hear someone outside her door. So she'd listen to see what they would do. She could tell they were trying to peek into her door's peephole. So, she covered it with paper and would remove it when someone actually knocked.

There wasn't any privacy when it came to personal info. One time one of the staff divulged mom's phone number and mental health diagnosis to a friend of hers and the friend called mom. Mom didn't give the staff member permission to give her number to anyone, let alone her mental health issues or her phone number.

Mom has CPTSD and other concerns as a result of abuse that started at the hands of her mom when she was 4 years old.

Later the person that divulged her phone number to her friend made arrangements for mom to get a vaccine. She hung a sign on mom's door with all her private medical stuff so people passing by could read it.

Another staff member took it upon herself to pick up mom's library books at the library. She hadn't given permission for her to pick them up and then she later wanted mom to give her her library card.

Mom called and wrote the local library and told them they didn't have permission to give any of her check out items to anyone unless it was given to me. Then mom reserved a bunch of SCARY books just in case the Eaton staff member grabbed mom's stuff. Mom HATES scary stuff.

0-6-1Little old lady 2

Little old lady

There was a little old lady that lived next door to mom that for WEEKS would keep coming by mom's apartment trying to get in. She'd come by and jiggle mom's door at all hours of the day and night. Mom reported it to staff and they didn't do anything. Mom got REALLY tired of it.

The little old lady should've been living in assisted living.


0-7-2Pipes 1

0-7-3Pipes 2

Mom ALWAYS had water in bottles handy, because they were OFTEN turning the water off, because the pipes weren't the best and there were water backups, plugged pipes and backed up toilets.

One winter they lost power and the temperature in mom's apartment was 20 degrees for over 24 hours. It was during the pandemic.

Sidenote Per 9News:
"When cold weather arrives in Colorado, it's important for renters to know their rights. It’s a landlord’s job to make sure homes are fit to live in, which includes providing heat inside when the temperature drops outside."

and Warranty of Habitability

Per Colorado's State Liability Law
In Denver specifically, units must be able to heat all rooms to at least 70 degrees when the temperature outside is below 5 degrees or lower

For help finding an affordable attorney, check out:

Colorado Law Project

Colorado Legal Services

Don't expect help from staff if you receive a large package there – IT'S A COMMUNITY FOR ELDERLY OR DISABLED. Mom asked a staffer to help and he had to beg to get permission to help her.

Mom is disabled and uses a rollator walker.

When mom moved out she gave them 34 days notice. Instead of getting her deposit back they charged her for the rest of the month that it overlapped into, because she moved out at the beginning of the month. The lease only required 30 days notice.

They knew the day mom was to move. ALL other moving tenants they'd made arrangements for the elevator to be open for the mover during certain hours, that they'd hold and monitor it so the tenant could move out as quickly as possble without other tenants getting on the elevator blocking the tenants move.

They didn't monitor/hold the elevator for mom. We had to wait for the other people riding the elevator up and down and wriggle our way onto the elevator.

We got done moving her things just as Eaton's office was closing, but we have to QUICKLY make arrangements at her new location for someone to be there when we got the moving truck there to let her into the building and then her apartment.

Eaton's staff was rude the entire time.

To this day they have refused to give her her monies back, deposit, etc.

We've heard they've done the same thing to others. Personally I think Eaton Senior Community needs to be AUDITED.

They also don't refund or carry over meal credits if they close down their kitchen for whatever reason and people miss their alloted 24 meals a month (over $250 a month the last time mom checked)

I hate to see anyone treated with such disrespect, especially low income seniors.

Eaton Senior Communities was notified that she is a member of the ACP (Address Confidentiality Program) when she moved. The ACP helps those that have been harassed or stalked. Eaton was told to use a specific address if they had mail to send her after she left. Instead they were able to find where she now lives and sent her mail there.

They have NO RESPECT for others let alone care for Colorado law, "Under Colorado law, all state and local government agencies must accept a participant's substitute address."

A person has to be 62 or over to live a Eaton Senior Communities. I wouldn't want anyone, no matter the age, to live there.

The common statement among Eaton Staff is, "If you don't like it here, move!" especially if you complain about something (e.g. loss of heat, water turned off, food, etc.)

My statement is, "Don't let your loved ones move there if you love them."

IF you do move there make sure you carry a small recorder with you at all times. They tend to lie to tenants and it's ALWAYS good to cover your bases. No, he-said-she-said. Mom carried a recorder at all times.

"Recording is illegal in Colorado if NO party to the conversation knows that the conversation is being recorded. However, in Colorado, and this varies by state, if one party to the conversation knows that the conversation is being recorded, it is not illegal."

That one party can be YOU.

When you get to Eaton Senior, keep this in mind, “You have just crossed over into The Twilight Zone.”

And be prepared to meet with a staff member to go over in detail their 1" 3-ring binder of House Rules after you move there. They also have you initial each page that you've read it and understand it. And you're required to return the binder BEFORE you move.

Eaton Senior Communities is NOT BBB ACCREDITED

COVID in Colorado: More Than 100 New Outbreaks in a Week

Colorado Weather - Average temps

Crime rates in 80226

COVA - Crime Victim Assistance Directory

Find Affordable Housing

HUD Colorado

HUD Washington, DC

Legal Aid

Where to report elder abuse in Colorado

Where to report mail theft, mail fraud and postal fraud

What are the 6 types of elder abuse?
The 7 most common types of elderly abuse include physical abuse, neglect, emotional abuse, financial abuse, sexual abuse, self-neglect, and abandonment. Any of these elder abuse types can be devastating to older people and their families.

Things my mom did when she lived in MN before she came back home to Colorado (Click news article name to read more.)

Got a bus stop at the library
Marshall woman petitions to have bus stop at library

Helped turn ALL HUD housing into non-smoking
Another game-changer in the works to eliminate smoking
HUD SECRETARY CASTRO ANNOUNCES PUBLIC HOUSING TO BE SMOKE-FREE New rule protects health and safety of residents, saves PHAs millions of dollars in preventable damage

If you care about your loved you, don't let them move to Eaton Senior Communities or their Foundation!

Mom found it odd that someone from Eaton visited the home she lived in before she moved to Eaton. They wanted to check out where she lived. That had NEVER happened before she's moved into any apartment. We now think it was to check out her, or those she knows, for financial potential AKA who could donate to the Foundation later/after her death.

And if you look at their Google Reviews, you'll find the MAJORITY of them are written by Eaton employees, past or present. They did that to counteract any bad reviews left by the public.

Well, "On December 14th Google (2021) finally updated its policies on reviews, so any reviews left by ex-employees will be removed. From now on, Google will consider these reviews a conflict of interest. From now on, businesses won't need to worry about these reviews.,to%20worry%20about%20these%20reviews.

Feel free to report any review that you know is written by a location's staff.

MANY living in low-income housing are judged by others for living there. They're even judged by the staff that manages their housing and they're treated accordingly.

That's sad, because OFTEN unforeseen circumstances lead a person to having to live in low-income housing and those circumstances make it IMPOSSIBLE for a person to get out of poverty and low income housing.

EVERYONE has a different story.

PART of my mom's story is YEARS of abuse (physical, emotional, financial, etc) at the hand of her mother starting at age 4, then an abusive marriage, that lead to a child custody case that lasted 13 years in multiple states, homelessness, cancer, CPTSD, disability making it impossible for her to work (MULTIPLE head injuries causing her to now see double out of her left eye and chronic vertigo), etc.

Mom's grateful she has a roof over her head, but just because she left her abusive relationships doesn't mean her life is absent of abuse.

People, especially landlords and their staff have no Right to abuse others, especially the elderly. That's called Elder Abuse, Abuse of the Disabled, etc.

In mom's case it would be Abuse of the Elderly and Disabled.

Click here -->to read the crime rate in 80226

Read Eaton Senior's Google Reviews by clicking here. Remember that MOST of them are written by their staff which is against Google Policy.

Read Eaton Senior's Yelp Reviews by clicking here.

When I think of all the brown-colored water and the problems at Eaton Senior I think of THIS!

Shortly after this review became public Eaton made their Facebook page/group private.

In April 2019 mom wrote a letter to Eaton's Executive Direcor, Mary Ann, about the fact that she found out that per HUD guidelines that were only allowed to charge $1 per meal delivery to tenant's apartments. Eaton was charging $2. As a result Eaton had to reimburse EVERY tenant for past meal deliveries. They weren't too happy about that. Don't care. It's the law.

They were knowingly overcharging tenants and NEVER NOTIFIED TENANTS OF THIS. SURPRISED? NOT!

b. Subject to the requirements of the following paragraph, an owner may charge tenants up to one dollar for delivery of meals to their units if the tenant is immobile or incapable of visiting the dining facility (see paragraph 2-4d and e below in this section). An owner must deliver the meals to a tenant's unit for 30 days free of charge, After 30 days, the owner may charge the tenant up to one dollar per meal for delivery if:

The tenant requests this service in writing and if,

The owner informs the tenant in advance of the additional charge for the service.

In that same letter Mary Ann stated that continuing to write letters (vs face-to-face) may be "too burdensome." Mom didn't care. She wanted EVIDENCE and she's glad she demanded communications be done in writing.

She'd also divulged to Mary Ann that Colorado is a "one party consent" state and that she can record phone conversations, phone messages and meetings. THEY DIDN'T LIKE THAT EITHER, but wrote "We appreciate the disclosure."

She'd recorded multiple in-person meetings about her getting off Eaton's meal program. THAT came in handy!


People are known to take advantage of others, especially the elderly/elderly disabled.


Another thing mom found odd was the fact they sent someone to look at the home mom was living in BEFORE she moved into Eaton. She'd lived in other low income housing and NOBODY ever visited her home before she was allowed to move in.

What was their purpose of checking out her home at the time?


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